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Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man

Spider-Man is one favorite character that Marvel Comics keeps renewing and for new market audience. The first origin story was back in 1960s when Stan Lee developed this amazing character. You can still read this still strong character in recent comic issues of Amazing Spider-Man, Sensational Spider-Man, and Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

In the year 2000s, Marvel retold the origin of Spider-Man in the Ultimate Spider-Man series (CD Code: 24, 148). This ultimate universe took Spider-Man in more serious action. This universe is also intended to introduce the character to new teen adults.

Last year, Marvel release yet another version of Spider-Man. This series called Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man is targeted to younger audience. The story is lighter than any other Spider-Man stories. All issues are self contained stories, so any reader can pick an issue number without need to understand the whole series.

CD Code: 231

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Avengers Next

When you read Marvel Comics today, you would find that there are a lot of universe in the comic. There's the default universe where Spider-Man, Avengers, and Fantastic Four takes place. There's also the Ultimate universe, with the more modern and stylish Marvel characters. There's also the Mangaverse where the story of Marvel characters written and drawn in manga style (CD Code: 86).

During the late 1990s Marvel launched a second generation books, called Marvel 2. You can see Spider-Girl (daughter of Spider-Man)and Wild Child (daughter of Wolverine) in here. Now these characetrs were modernized and were put on mini series.

The first crossover series are Last Hero Standing and Last Planet Standing (CD Code: 188), that began the foundation of these alternate universe. Then, comes the Avengers Next mini series, with new characters introduced: American Dream (successor of Captain America), Spider-Girl, J2 (son of Juggernaut), Thunderstrike (member of the old Avengers), Streak and others who become the legacy of the old Avengers.

The story is quite light hearted and so much different than the dark tone that was established in Marvel Ultimate universe. It feels like reading old Marvel comic books again.

CD Code: 204

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PvP, shorten from Player VS Player, is a term that most gamers should know. The story itself happens around PvP magazine with ridiculous characters in it.

The editor in chief is a fat guy called Cole, who glues all the other charactes. He's supposed to be the eldest and wise among them. There's also Brent, who's addicted to coffee. Both of them were actually geeks when they were kids.

There's also Jade, a woman, who actually a gamer. As you know, there are not a lot of women who play computer games, so this Jade character is trying to prove that women can also be addicted to games.

The most fun characters are Francis (a 15 year old boy who plays game a lot) and Skull (a troll - really - with blue skin with lack of intelligence). If you're think you're a gamer/geek/read comic a lot, you should read this comic strips. You would find the jokes are really funny (at least in geek terms.. he he..)

CD Code: 210

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