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Flash (Bart Allen)

The fastest guy on earth is also the shortest lifespan hero in DC Universe. Bart Allen, the fourth Flash, can be put in this category. Bart, the grandson of Barry Allen (the second flash), and the nephew of Wally West (the third Flash), live his life as the fourth Flash only in 13 issues of his own Flash comic book.

His life began in 31th century, during the era of Legion of Super Heroes. He used to see life as a video game, since he was born with accelerated growth and had to put in virtual simulation, that he feels he live his life as part of video game character. Growing with his cousin, XS (a member of post Zero Hour version of Legion of Super Heroes), he lives most of his tween time in 31th century. Later, he would return to 21th century when he seek help from his uncle, Wally West.

During his tween, Bart was also known as Impulse, a kid who runs very fast with has absolutely no responsibility. With Robin and Superboy, he founded Young Justice (CD Code: 32), the next generation of JLA. Later the membership expanded to include Wonder Girl, Arrowette, and Secret.

During the resurrection of a cyborg Superman in New Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day (CD Code: 124), Troia and Lilith were killed. Young Justice and New Titans were disbanded. Later, Cyborg founded a new version of Teen Titans (CD Code: 131). He asked former members of Young Justice to join and train together as the new Teen Titans. Thus, Bart Allen joined the group, and later, founding a bit of responsibility, began earning his name as the new Kid Flash.

During Infinite Crisis events (CD Code: 89-90), Superboy of Earth Prime was wreaking havoc in Smallville. Finding there's no other way to stop Superboy, Bart Allen and Wally West bring Superboy to the Speed Force (the element that gives DC speedsters powers). Few days later, Superboy's back from the Speed Force, followed by Bart who's wearing Barry Allen's Flash costume. Bart looks few years older. It seems that both Superboy and Bart has been living in the Speed Force for few years. After the crisis, the Speed Force was gone, and Bart's losing his speed.

One year later, Bart found out that the Speed Force was actually lives within him. During his Flash comic series, Bart found a way to bring back his super speed. He dons the Flash costume, trying to lives up the Flash tradition. He also fought with his clone, Inertia and his Rogues Gallery (comprised of: Heatwave, Captain Cold, Trickster, Pied Piper, Mirror Master, Abra Kadabra, and Weather Wizard), and finally found his own death at the hands of Flash's most dangerous enemies.

The repercusion of Flash's death can be seen in the ongoing series of DC Countdown, a weekly event that countdowns to something (I don't know). Wally West, along with his family, has also came back from the Speed Force, with the help of Legion of Super Heroes (pre Crisis of Infinite Earths version) in crossover JLA and JSA comic books.

CD Code: 286

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It has been a year since Infinite Crisis strikes DC Continuity (CD Code: 89-90). After this second big crisis, all DC Comics jump ahead one year into the future. There's also a weekly series called 52 that will bridge the DC characters' story during the missing months. All stories happen in 52 is dealt in real time basis. When we celebrate New Year, the story will also tell us what happen in DC Universe during New Year.

The 52 comics features second grade characters, such as: Adam Strange, Animal Man, Starfire, Booster Gold, Black Adam, Question, Elongated Man, Will Magnus, Renee Montoya, and Steel. You won't be seeing DC lead characters such as Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman in this series since they all are absent in the whole year.

However, even without DC power house characters, the stories are really good. You will see how Elongated Man overcome his sadness over the death of his wife (during the Idenity Crisis saga - CD Code: 30, 120). You will also see how three heroes (Adam Strange, Animal Man, Starfire) must overcome their problems when they were stranded on the far side of galaxy. You will also witness the new protector of Gotham during Batman absence. And you will also how Black Adam become the sovereign leader of a nation, wed a wife, and has a new Black Marvel family.

Sadly, after the death of his wife, Iris, Black Adam took vengeance to the whole world. That's when World War III strikes DC Universe. During the war, a lot of heroes died preventing Black Adam in destroying countries in his rage. This complete stories was told in a 4 book mini series called World War III (CD Code: 267).

The biggest puzzle of all in 52 is what's the really meaning of the word "52." We see Red Tornado's head screaming 52 after the big bang in Infinite Crisis. Booster Gold, who appears as cameo in the Legion of Super Heroes comic series, also mentioned that he has to save 52 worlds. A time traveller named Rip Hunter also mentioned this "52" during his several cameos along the series. More clues can also be read in the mini series Ion: Guardians of the Universe (CD Code: 243).

The answer can be read in the last issue of 52. Actually, Infinite Crisis give birth to a new multiverse. There are now 52 universes, with 52 earths. Current DC Universe (or is it multiverse again now?) will reflect more like the era before the Crisis on Infinite Earths (CD Code 58, 80). More stories about this multiverse is currently running in the new sequel weekly series called Countdown.

CD Code: 267

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Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man

Spider-Man is one favorite character that Marvel Comics keeps renewing and for new market audience. The first origin story was back in 1960s when Stan Lee developed this amazing character. You can still read this still strong character in recent comic issues of Amazing Spider-Man, Sensational Spider-Man, and Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

In the year 2000s, Marvel retold the origin of Spider-Man in the Ultimate Spider-Man series (CD Code: 24, 148). This ultimate universe took Spider-Man in more serious action. This universe is also intended to introduce the character to new teen adults.

Last year, Marvel release yet another version of Spider-Man. This series called Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man is targeted to younger audience. The story is lighter than any other Spider-Man stories. All issues are self contained stories, so any reader can pick an issue number without need to understand the whole series.

CD Code: 231

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Avengers Next

When you read Marvel Comics today, you would find that there are a lot of universe in the comic. There's the default universe where Spider-Man, Avengers, and Fantastic Four takes place. There's also the Ultimate universe, with the more modern and stylish Marvel characters. There's also the Mangaverse where the story of Marvel characters written and drawn in manga style (CD Code: 86).

During the late 1990s Marvel launched a second generation books, called Marvel 2. You can see Spider-Girl (daughter of Spider-Man)and Wild Child (daughter of Wolverine) in here. Now these characetrs were modernized and were put on mini series.

The first crossover series are Last Hero Standing and Last Planet Standing (CD Code: 188), that began the foundation of these alternate universe. Then, comes the Avengers Next mini series, with new characters introduced: American Dream (successor of Captain America), Spider-Girl, J2 (son of Juggernaut), Thunderstrike (member of the old Avengers), Streak and others who become the legacy of the old Avengers.

The story is quite light hearted and so much different than the dark tone that was established in Marvel Ultimate universe. It feels like reading old Marvel comic books again.

CD Code: 204

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PvP, shorten from Player VS Player, is a term that most gamers should know. The story itself happens around PvP magazine with ridiculous characters in it.

The editor in chief is a fat guy called Cole, who glues all the other charactes. He's supposed to be the eldest and wise among them. There's also Brent, who's addicted to coffee. Both of them were actually geeks when they were kids.

There's also Jade, a woman, who actually a gamer. As you know, there are not a lot of women who play computer games, so this Jade character is trying to prove that women can also be addicted to games.

The most fun characters are Francis (a 15 year old boy who plays game a lot) and Skull (a troll - really - with blue skin with lack of intelligence). If you're think you're a gamer/geek/read comic a lot, you should read this comic strips. You would find the jokes are really funny (at least in geek terms.. he he..)

CD Code: 210

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All-Star Squadron

Tahun 1942, Earth-2, era sebelum Crisis of Infinite Earths (CD Code: 80), tanah US dipenuhi oleh banyak tokoh berkostum. Orang-orang menyebut mereka dengan Mysteri Men. Awalnya mereka tergabung dalam Justice Society of America.

Atas inisiatif President Roosevelt, garnisun tokoh misteri ini diminta untuk bergabung dalam kesatuan terorganisir. Ia menyebutnya sebagai All-Star Squadron.

Bisa dikatakan puluhan karakter bermunculan di serial komik ini. Namun, tokoh utama yang sering diceritakan adalah: Hawkman, Atom, Robotman, Shining Knight, Liberty Belle, Johnny Quick, Firebrand, dan Steel.

Kisah serial komik ini berakhir seiring dengan berakhirnya Crisis of Infinite Earths. Seusai Crisis, kisah All-Star Squadron ini dianggap tetap berlaku, namun terjadi di era Perang Dunia II di bumi baru. Melalui Crisis, tokoh-tokoh Superman, Batman, Robin, Aquaman, dan Wonder Woman versi Earth-2, yang sering muncul di seri ini dianggap tidak eksis lagi.

CD Code: 178-179

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Trio Grande: Adios Palomita

Graphic novel terjemahan dari Eropa ini bercerita tentang seorang penjahat ulung, Joseph Carpenter yang diburu oleh istrinya, Mary yang pernah ditinggal didiamkan dalam penjara selama 5 tahun.

Mary ingin membalas dendam terhadap suaminya. Ia berniat menceraikannya, dan menangkap suaminya untuk mendapatkan uang tebusan.

Apakah benar Joseph berniat meninggalkan Mary? Apa sebenarnya yang terjadi setelah mereka dulu sebelumnya berpartner merampok bank bersama?

Gaya kental Eropa terlihat khas dalam ilustrasi graphic novel ini. Trio Grande: Adios Palomita ini adalah karya Olivier Vatine, Alain Clément, dan Fabrice Lamy.

CD Code: 176

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